The Foundation through its researchers succeeded to to identify the genes responsible for the “white death” in utero (Sudden Intrauterine Unexplained Death – SIUDS). They seem similar to those which determine in large part the white deaths in cradle and that involve genetic defects of electric conduction of the heart. The research on these genetic abnormalities requires very complex and expensive instruments, that allow discovering these defects with speed, safety and low costs. The raised funds will be used to buy an automatic last generation sequencer able to determine, through the next generation protocol, multiple sequencing of dozens of genes. The instrument is manufactured by “Applyed Biosystems” company and its name is Ion Torrent, whose cost about 300,000 euro.
This equipment will be used for performing specific tests, free of charge, on couples considered at risk, that had in their families cases of deaths in cradle. They are also considered at risk those families where cases of Brugada syndrome occurred.
Click here for the scientific paper published in the Journal of Prenatal Medicine.